Propeller Design £850 Power Prediction £950 Propeller Design & Power Prediction £1300 WE SELL FORVERY LOW PRICE !
Propeller Design £850 Power Prediction £950 Propeller Design & Power Prediction £1300 WE SELL FORVERY LOW PRICE !
HullScant Hull Scantlings ISO12215-5 Program £1100 HullScant Rudder Hull Scantlings ISO12215-8 Program £350 Ship Motions £1800 WinDesign V6 Velocity Prediction Program (VPP) £6500 WinDesign V6 Upgrades Multihull, BRIO portal & CFD modules free GoPlot General Plotting Program £250 ShipShape Lines Fairing free WE SELL FORVERY LOW PRICE !
HST, including: Hydrostatics, Stability and Tank Capacities £1250 HST Loading, including: Weights & Loading, Longitudinal Strength, Maximum KG & Stability Criteria and Inclining Experiment £1500 HST Damage, including: Damage Stability, Damage Maximum KG and Floodable Lengths £1500 WE SELL FORVERY LOW PRICE !