What’s new in Version 14
A gorgeous combination of brains and beauty,Version 14 has plenty of compelling reasons for you to update. It is powerful, elegant and easy to use, and has great new features that help you maximize efficiency with minimal effort.
Key Features:

Version 14 is Windows 7 Certified and Optimized!
The only software to get the Microsoft Windows 7 certification, an endorsement that Pulse gets for every version, it offers peace of mind to the user that their software works perfectly in the Windows environment.
As a Version 14 user using Windows 7, you will be able to take advantage of special improvements found in Microsoft’s Windows 7 operating system such as Thumbnails Preview and Folder Libraries that allow you to quickly access embroidery designs and artwork stored across multiple folders.
Productivity is the winning feature
Version 14 offers Multiple Core Processing, which means increased productivity and faster stitch generation.
Computers are not getting faster, they are adding more processor cores. Version 14 takes advantage of Multiple Cores, so multiple calculations can be done at the same time on many processors. On a design with over 20,000 stitches, there is a 33% improvement in the time of stitch generation using 2 cores vs. a single core and a 43% improvement in the time of stitch generation from previous versions*. Version 14 will give you more time to focus on your business.
*based on internal testing results using version 12. More testing being done by independent sources and results will be available soon.

Modern User Defined Interface, Customizable workspaces
The user interface has been completely re-written from the ground up using the latest technology available.
Version 14 enhances the embroidery creation experience- the software is now more intuitive as only the appropriate tools are available in the context menu, making digitizing even simpler.
With a variety of options to customize your workspace- dockable windows; changing the look of Tajima DG/ML by Pulse to match what you are most comfortable with; customizable hotkeys that let you create shortcuts to match your preferences; the ability to create your own favorite toolbars, choice of Minimal, Full screen etc. workspaces, you can now create an environment that delivers maximum efficiency with a few clicks of the mouse. And you can save your workspaces as well, so go ahead and define one for every kind of design, or each of the designers in your shop, or even one for every day of the week.

New fonts
Version 14 offers 38 dazzling new fonts for your lettering and personalization projects.

More productivity enhancers
- Tabbed Design Windows for faster access
- Tool Guide – guides new users with live step-by-step instructions
- New Global View – easily navigate in the design window
- Improved Stitch List – examine and edit stitch data
- Autohide – hide windows when not in use
- Selection highlighting
- Panning mode – hold down space bar to pan
And new features that make design creation Faster, Better, Easier
- Quotation Estimator – This handy wizard uses design properties and user-defined variables-like cost per stitches, fabric cost, time per trims, machine set-up cost— to compile a printable design quotation for the customer. Included is a 3D rendering of the design on the chosen garment.
- Monogram enhancements – more monogram styles and editing capability
- Variable stitch density in Satin and Fill segments – Create interesting effects by defining multiple densities in a single satin or fill segment.
- Get links to the latest Forum posts from Pulse Today
- New Design Project Wizard that will allow the user to create their favorite combinations of garment recipes, design start-stop locations, digitizing presets and machine formats that can be recalled for each project in a single click
- Show backgrounds for appliqué – show a realistic reference of backgrounds for appliqué
- Font categorization – quickly find the fonts you need for every job
- Extended Stitches at corners and ends – dramatically improves quality of stitching
- Automatic Text Borders – Instantly and easily add a continuous border around embroidery lettering in your design. Choose to display the border only for a quick way to create outline text.