Bentley Maxsurf 20.04 V8i cracked version naval marine software

Marine Vessel Analysis and Design

MAXSURF provides naval architects with software tools for all phases of the vessel design and analysis process. By using a common 3D surface model, design files can be optimized to accurately flow through concept, initial, and detailed design stages. With MAXSURF, users can confidently model hull forms; assess stability and strength; predict performance; and carry out initial structural definition and analysis.


Bentley AutoPLANT Piping V8i crack serial software

AutoCAD-Based Piping Design and Modeling Software

AutoPLANT Piping gives you spec-driven 3D piping design with advanced routing and editing features. Drawing production includes orthographic drawings (plans, elevations, and sections), using paper space view ports and exporting 3D model data to produce finished isometric drawings. Fully featured automated isometric drawing production features are included in the piping application. No additional licensing is required. Drawing Flattener produces flat, 2D drawings including elevations, plans, and sections from the 3D model. AutoPLANT Piping works seamlessly with other Bentley plant design and data management applications via the shared plant project database.
