FullProf is software for calculating the time and cost at full face boring of tunnels in hard rock.
FullProf: a program for full profile drilling
FullProf is a program for calculating the time and cost at full face boring of tunnels in hard rock. The program can quickly and easily calculate one or more option with any degree of detail.
FullProf developed and marketed in collaboration with Construction Data and the Department of Civil and Transport Engineering at NTNU.
The calculations in the program is based on empirical data collected by Ibaté at NTNU. The calculations can also be supplemented or overridden with your own empirical data.
FullProf has these main features:
calculate capacities: net inndrift, ukeinndrift and required drilling time
calculate the torque control: control of installed power for rotation of the drill head
calculate cut consumption: life and consumption
calculate the normal cost: operating costs in £ / m Tube
calculate detailed costs: delkostnader for tunnel operation is considered in detail
Opportunities and benefits of the use of the program:
quick calculation based on empirical data and a few basic parameters
adjustment of the more than 350 of the bills based on their own experiences
create graph showing the relationship between variations in parameter
override the arbitrary level of detail
monitoring the selected parameter