Anleggsdata FullProf: a program for full profile crack serial software download
FullProf is software for calculating the time and cost at full face boring of tunnels in hard rock.
We develop and sell software for the construction industry with a focus on engineering, economics, management and quality assurance. Our products are based on data, techniques and computational models developed by the Department of Civil and Transport at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
FullProf is software for calculating the time and cost at full face boring of tunnels in hard rock.
Blast design, calculates and visualizes the theoretical blast in the quarry operation.
TunnPlan er programvare utviklet for konvensjonell tunneldrift. TunnPlan inkluderer funksjonalitet fra tidligere TunnVib slik at erfaring, planlegging og oppfølging av tunneldrift knyttes sammen til en enhetlig prosess.