no limit by functions or time of use

PE-DESIGN NEXT by Brother already cracked

PE-DESIGN® NEXT takes digitizing and embroidery to the next level of creativity with exceptional new features. A user-friendly graphical interface, similar to many software programs on the market today, makes it easy to locate and select the dynamic functions of this software. In addition, the quick access toolbar allows you to customize your favorite operations so they are only a quick click away. Several “Start Your Own Business” functions have been added such as the new PE-DESIGN® NEXT Link Function that allows up to four PR-1000 and upgraded PR-650 machines to be linked from a single computer with queue functionality. Other time savers are the lettering and design template feature, which provide the ability to create perfectly sized logos with lettering and designs, and the new Name Drop Template feature that can be used to create different names with the same design and layout. Many other exciting features such as enhanced lettering, more stitch and pattern variations and more built-in fonts


Tajima DG/ML by Pulse 2010 Version cracked software

What’s new in Version 14

A gorgeous combination of brains and beauty,Version 14 has plenty of compelling reasons for you to update. It is powerful, elegant and easy to use, and has great new features that help you maximize efficiency with minimal effort.


Bernina DesignerPlus Version 6 SP1 already cracked (also have serial)

Complete with all of the features included in the EditorPlus package plus much more: Use the included artwork files or scan and import artwork to digitize on-screen. The easy to use manual digitizing and shape tools may be used alone or in combination with the automatic digitizing tools. Add lettering for a personal touch to Read more about Bernina DesignerPlus Version 6 SP1 already cracked (also have serial)[…]

HUSQVARNA VIKING 5D Professional already cracked – ready for download and use.

5D™ PROFESSIONAL – The ultimate embroidery software system. It provides unlimited possibilities to design your ideas!

The HUSQVARNA VIKING® 5D™ PROFESSIONAL package includes eleven software modules: 5D™ Embroidery Extra, 5D™ Organizer, 5D™ Vision, 5D™ Stitch Editor, 5D™ Design Aligner, 5D™ Sketch, 5D™ Cross Stitcher and 5D™ Family Tree plus three special modules available only in 5D™ Professional: 5D™ Design Creator, 5D™ PortraitStitch and 5D™ Font Digitizing. The package also includes machine accessory modules 5D™ Disk Manager USB, 5D™ d-Card Reader/Writer and 5D™ Reader/Writer (but no reader/writer hardware).


PFAFF Creative 5D Suite already cracked

5D™ SUITE… The ultimate embroidery software system.

It provides unlimited possibilities to design your ideas!

The PFAFF® 5D™ SUITE package includes eleven software modules: 5D™ Embroidery Extra, 5D™ Organizer, 5D™ Vision, 5D™ Stitch Editor, 5D™ Design Aligner, 5D™ Sketch, 5D™ Cross Stitcher and 5D™ Family Tree plus three special modules available only in 5D™ SUITE: 5D™ Design Creator, 5D™ PortraitStitch and 5D™ Font Digitizing. The package also includes the machine accessory module 5D™ File Assistant (but no creative™ smart card station hardware).


Embird 2010 BUILD 8.8d with ALL PLUGINS already cracked and ready for use.


New language was added: Ukrainian

Now it is possible to convert designs to multiple formats at once.

Now it is possible to sort designs in Right Panel according to Name, Extension, Date and Size (length) of file, either in ascending or descending order.

When sending design as attachment of e-mail (Right Panel > Internet > Send Files as Attachment of E-mail), it is now possible to specify ten preselections of e-mail recipients. Also, Embird can automatically ZIP all selected files into single archive, or convert image files to .JPG format and shrink them to reduce the length of attachment. A new button for sending files in attachment of e-mail was added, it is located above the “Files:” box at the right side of Manager window.

Embird now supports also shortcut files (files with .lnk extension). This means that Embird is capable of displaying designs which are referenced by shortcuts. This way it is possible to sort designs – save the real design into one folder, and create shortcuts to this design in other folders. There is a new command “Paste Shortcuts to Files in Clipboard” in “Right Panel” menu allowing to create shortcut files for files which were copied into Clipboard via “Copy Files to Clipboard”. See also new tutorial “Using Shortcut Files (.LNK) to Sort Designs”.


Wilcom DecoStudio e2 GOLD PACK already cracked version

Embroidery graphics software for print, apparel and appliqué designs

Wilcom® DecoStudio® e2 brings your embroidery designs to life. From vector to embroidery, the stitch engine of Wilcom, combined with the graphic design software of CorelDRAW® X5, helps you create embroidery, print and appliqué designs, fashion apparel, and now rhinestones, with ease! You’ll quickly find DecoStudio e2 to be indispensible graphics and embroidery software.

Wilcom EmbroideryStudio e2 Level3 (ES65) with CorelDRAW already cracked

Wilcom EmbroideryStudio e2 is built for demanding production and provides flexible and intelligent tools streamlining your repetitive tasks. Wilcom ES will help you build robust embroidery designs that stitch flawlessly.

Wilcom embroidery software is offered in three levels to suit the different needs of today’s professional apparel designer. Choose the Wilcom embroidery software package that best suits your embroidery design demands.
