May now display PLS-CADD wire geometry inside TOWER when using PLS-CADD generated LCA or LIC file.
Input reached via Entity Info is now displayed in a “properties-style” dialog with an option to switch to a full table view.
Added “EN50341-2-9:2015” (UK NNA) wind/ice model in Loads/Vector Loads and Loads/Wire Loads.
Ability to render angles with an “L” shape
Significant work on Family Manager that improves all aspects of it: importing from other models, performance, flexibilty and resilency.
Added “EN50341-2-9:2015” and “EN50341-2-9:2015-EN1993” (UK NNA) member strength and connection check options.
Version 14.00 released – supports Windows 10
Added a Drafting menu with functionality similar to PLS-CADD’s. You may define a set of sheets (title, note, drawing and appendix pages) upon which you can draw using annotation and send schema output from reports to these pages (watch the video).
Added Inset Report View feature for display of tabular output from reports or external spreadsheets on a sheet. Inset Report Views tied to TOWER reports can be set to update automatically when new reports are generated or they can be static snapshots that do not change (watch the video).
Automatic creation of loading trees on the new drafting sheets.
Added the “Report Navigator” toolbar which allows you to quickly Goto, Table View and XML Export the various tables in a report.
The Family Manager now allows an extension to be used as a body extension in some models and a leg extension in others.