PC-DMIS 2015.1 release full cracked version of software 64bit and 32bit versions – download from ftp or torrent link

PC-DMIS is the world’s most popular CMM software for the collection, evaluation, management and presentation of manufacturing data. The standard on Hexagon Metrology measurement devices PC-DMIS is also available on a wide range of non-Hexagon equipment. Use it to fully leverage your manufacturing process and build truly lean systems.


WellView from Peloton version 9 crack cracked software download avaliable from our FTP

WellView is a complete well information management system for well planning, drilling, completion, testing, and workovers. This single comprehensive drilling and well information database reduces duplicate data entry, improves data quality, and creates a collaborative information environment…


Thermoflow 24 cracked version – avaliable for download

There are two types of heat balance programs: “Application-Specific” and “Fully-Flexible”.  An Application-Specific program is a special-purpose tool, focusing exclusively on one type of plant.  The program includes a vast, general model and the user selects a subset of it via a guided, structured procedure.  A Fully-Flexible program is a general-purpose tool, which allows its user to construct any model by connecting appropriate building blocks, in a flexible, unfettered fashion.  Each type of program has advantages and limitations.

Knowledge = Power

Thermoflow is the leading developer of thermal engineering software for the power and cogeneration industries.  Since 1987, Thermoflow’s software product line has grown to become the most popular, well-proven, and comprehensive system available today.

Thermoflow is a stable, profitable, entirely independent company which has never received funding from any source other than sales to customers who find real value in our products, every day.


Siemens COMOS 10.1 Plant Engineering Software cracked version (software already nulled) now you can order and download from our FTP server

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SIEMENS COMOS Software – from Integrated Engineering to Integrated Operations

Increasing international competition makes it more and more important for plant design engineers and plant operating personnel to boost productivity and quality. To minimize design cost and time, and maximize equipment uptime plant engineers and operating personnel must optimize their workflows. The success factors involved in achieving these goals are continuous innovation and consistent data management using an optimum software solution concept. Life Cycle Engineering, combined with the leading-edge COMOS software, is the solution for achieving these goals: COMOS supports end-to-end plant asset management across the entire lifecycle of an industrial plant.


Asta Powerproject cracked or crack version now avaliable download from our FTP

Asta Powerproject
Simply brilliant construction scheduling
Asta Powerproject is a global standard for construction project scheduling. Easy to use, yet really powerful.


  • Easily exchange data from other scheduling software
  • Quickly create and update precise project schedules
  • Produce high quality standard and custom reports
  • Reduce costs with flexible licensing and deployment options
  • Enter task updates directly with laptop or mobile device
  • Show, analyze and compare progress against unlimited baseline plans
  • Easily manage resources, costs and third-party participants
  • Integrate with MS Outlook, accounting, BIM and ERP systems
  • Enterprise application for multi-user, real-time collaboration


Schlumberger OFM 2012.2 cracked version FTP download

Product Details ​OFM well and reservoir analysis software, aids in the day-to-day surveillance and management of oil and gas fields. OFM provides an intuitive, user-friendly interface enabling you to view, modify and analyze production and reservoir data. You can also perform basic and/or complex analyses for individual or multiple completions, groups of wells, an entire Read more about Schlumberger OFM 2012.2 cracked version FTP download[…]

Chief Architect Premier X6 x86 x64 already cracked and ready for download

For all aspects of residential and light commercial design. As you draw walls and place smart architectural objcts like doors and windows, the program creates a 3D model, generates a Materials List, and with the use of powerful building tools, helps produce Construction Documents with Site Plans, Framing Plans, Section Details, and Elevations.


Schlumberger Petrel 2013 and Eclipse 2013

The latest release of the Petrel E&P software platform makes further gains to bring disciplines together with best-in-class science in an unparalleled productivity environment. This shared earth approach enables companies to standardize workflows from exploration to production—and make more informed decisions with a clear understanding of both opportunities and risks. Updates by discipline are listed below.
