no limit by functions or time of use

Ultimate Impostrip Pro 2019 1.0.7 Windows and MAC versions

Language(s): EN, FR, SP, GE, IT, PT, DT, JP, CH
Regardless if you are a prepress pro or just starting in printing, Ultimate Impostrip® Pro eases you into the world of optimized imposition. It provides you with the professional features to manage an imposition workflow, to take advantage of all your print equipment capabilities. Get full control over page position, bleeds, page-spread, page scaling, marks and margins for best quality.


Schlumberger Techlog 2019.2 (unlimited use license)

The Techlog wellbore software platform has been continually developed for the last 19 years by Schlumberger in a wellbore-oriented technological center in Montpellier, France. As a result, customers around the globe have access to the latest version of a leading wellbore-centric platform that is faster, more user friendly, and more stable than ever before.


Pointfuse V4.2 software (license lifetime ∞)

Quick and easy creation of 3D Models for Virtual Design, Digital Construction and Space Management

  • NEW multi-core processing
  • NEW Simple BIM (sBIM) workflow
  • NEW BIM Classify – IFC, FBX, NWC
  • sBIM – up to 30,000 sq. ft of export
  • sBIM – Parameterized objects
  • sBIM – 2D floor plans
  • sBIM – room space reports (PDF)
  • Unlimited exports
  • Upload to Autodesk BIM 360
  • Technical Support Included
  • All software updates included


Synopsys LucidShape 2019.09 cracked version

Synopsys today announced the latest release of its LucidShape software for the design, simulation, and analysis of automotive exterior lighting products. LucidShape version 2019.09 gives designers new tools to create sophisticated freeform reflectors and dynamic pixel light headlamps, as well as enhanced tools for visualization. […]

INTERGRAPH PDS Ortho-Draw cracked license by low price


PDS Ortho-Draw is an automatic annotation and dimensioning
solution used to produce project deliverables from PDS physical
(3D) models. The standalone solution provides a flexible generation
environment for users to support various drawing conditions
in the field. […]

HYDRUS 3.02 fully cracked license software readu for download

HYDRUS (2D/3D) – software package for simulating water, heat, and solute movement in two- and three-dimensional variably saturated media. The software package consists of a computational computer program and an interactive graphics-based user interface. A brief description of HYDRUS is given in the Introduction and Program Description.


CGG Jason Workbench 10.0.2 cracked license avaliable for download

Advanced Seismic Reservoir Characterization

The advanced seismic reservoir characterization software products and workflows within the Jason Workbench yield timely answers to mitigate risk. Jason technology supports critical decisions for geoscientists and engineers to optimize well productivity, field development, and reservoir management.

New capabilities for reservoir characterization now available in Jason 10 including better usability and performance, seamless connectivity with other GeoSoftware products and new facies-driven technology that addresses the need for more geological constraints in critical workflows.


Leapfrog 2019 : Geo 4.5, Edge 2.3, View and Seequent Central 2.2

Leapfrog Geo 4.5 focuses on improving your all-round experience and smoothing day to day workflows.

With over 100 performance improvements in every release, Leapfrog Geo is well known for its stability and usability. Leapfrog Geo 4.5 takes this to a new level with over 500 performance improvements to smooth your day to day workflows.


Elitron Domino cracked version already avaliable in our shop by very low price

Domino, management application software, born from an Elitron research, coordinates all data – such as item , quantity, shapes, materials, sizes – and manages job ticket processing, organizes the activity of one or more cutting units, optimizing production and materials performance. It can be interfaced with the management system and the optimal Domino use takes place both for installations on machine board and off-board.


PC-DMIS 2015.1 release full cracked version of software 64bit and 32bit versions – download from ftp or torrent link

PC-DMIS is the world’s most popular CMM software for the collection, evaluation, management and presentation of manufacturing data. The standard on Hexagon Metrology measurement devices PC-DMIS is also available on a wide range of non-Hexagon equipment. Use it to fully leverage your manufacturing process and build truly lean systems.
