Tebis 4.0 2015 is cracked by us and already avaliable for download

tebis 4.0 cracked crack version download

Tebis is a CAD/CAM software solution for applications such as die, mold or model making. The software is primarily used in the generation of toolpaths for chip-breaking manufacturing such as drilling and milling, but also in Wire EDM and Electrode EDM. These toolpaths control multi-axis CNC machines. Other applications include manufacturing planning, design, reverse engineering, quality assurance, CNC machining and assembly. The software features interfaces for neutral file formats as well as proprietary formats of third-party manufacturers (STEP 203/214, VDAFS, IGES, DXF, STL, Parasolid, Catia V4/V5, Creo, SolidWorks, NX, JT).


WellView from Peloton version 9 crack cracked software download avaliable from our FTP

WellView is a complete well information management system for well planning, drilling, completion, testing, and workovers. This single comprehensive drilling and well information database reduces duplicate data entry, improves data quality, and creates a collaborative information environment…


MTPredictor v7.5 cracked version, can be install on unlimited PCs.

Program Features

  • Find trade setups fast and easily with the new-look Scanner. Scan all your markets for automatic MTPredictor TS1/2/3/4/DP set-ups as well as Elliott wave patterns and VSA setups:
  • Plot Charts directly or from the Scanner, then Analyse your charts with our pre-built tools. Automatic setups are found and displayed on your charts for you.
  • Tabs, Workspaces and Layouts: Organise your charts and Scanners in the way you wish
  • Multi monitor Support: Drag individual charts and Scanners as well as complete Workspaces onto separate monitors.
  • Includes many standard technical analysis indicators as well as Fibonacci tools
  • Numerous data choices, including IQFeed and eSignal real-time data.


Mira Geoscience GOCAD Mining Suite cracked version (crack) ready for download

Build and analyze integrated, quantitative, multi-disciplinary 3D earth models with the power of 3D-GIS. From data import to exploration drillhole design, geoscientists from all disciplines can manage their project from one central software application.

Advanced, easy-to-use, modularized software that becomes the basis of sound and rapid decision-making. Custom designed for mineral exploration, resource evaluation, and geotechnical hazard assessment. It has a fully integrated 3D-GIS query environment and advanced visualization. It enables precise geological modelling (wireframe), block modelling, and property modelling. It provides natural connections to geologically-constrained geophysical modelling and inversion, multi-disciplinary 3D exploration targeting, exploratory and geochemical data analysis, and geotechnical hazard estimation and monitoring.


Thermoflow 24 cracked version – avaliable for download

There are two types of heat balance programs: “Application-Specific” and “Fully-Flexible”.  An Application-Specific program is a special-purpose tool, focusing exclusively on one type of plant.  The program includes a vast, general model and the user selects a subset of it via a guided, structured procedure.  A Fully-Flexible program is a general-purpose tool, which allows its user to construct any model by connecting appropriate building blocks, in a flexible, unfettered fashion.  Each type of program has advantages and limitations.

Knowledge = Power

Thermoflow is the leading developer of thermal engineering software for the power and cogeneration industries.  Since 1987, Thermoflow’s software product line has grown to become the most popular, well-proven, and comprehensive system available today.

Thermoflow is a stable, profitable, entirely independent company which has never received funding from any source other than sales to customers who find real value in our products, every day.


OrthoGen for CADWorx Plant Professional cracked version

OrthoGen for CADWorx Plant Professional enables 2D plans, sections and elevations drawings to be created automatically from CADWorx Plant Professional 3D models. Even in today’s 3D world annotated and dimensioned orthographic drawings are still a required deliverable – OrthoGen reduces this process from hours to only minutes.


Asta Powerproject cracked or crack version now avaliable download from our FTP

Asta Powerproject
Simply brilliant construction scheduling
Asta Powerproject is a global standard for construction project scheduling. Easy to use, yet really powerful.


  • Easily exchange data from other scheduling software
  • Quickly create and update precise project schedules
  • Produce high quality standard and custom reports
  • Reduce costs with flexible licensing and deployment options
  • Enter task updates directly with laptop or mobile device
  • Show, analyze and compare progress against unlimited baseline plans
  • Easily manage resources, costs and third-party participants
  • Integrate with MS Outlook, accounting, BIM and ERP systems
  • Enterprise application for multi-user, real-time collaboration
